
Friday, September 14, 2012

Introduction to Raysville Friends

Current ESR Student and Raysville Friends Pastor Michael Sherman helps continue our series on area meetings with this introduction to his meeting:

ESR students are invited to visit Raysville Friends. This Quaker Meeting is a little farther away from Richmond than First Friends Richmond, West Richmond or Clear Creek, as you might have guessed from the name.  Raysville is on the east side of Knightstown which is located about 45 minutes west of Richmond and meets for worship in a little country building just off US 40. 

Raysville features a mature community who endeavor to worship and serve God out of sense of personal and corporate integrity.  This semi-programmed meeting is pastored by me, ESR student Michael Sherman, currently in my 8th year of classes. Because of the differences in ages and perspectives of congregation and pastor they have learned together to identify the value of alternate perspectives.  They see individual differences more as a source of growth and potential rather than a source of conflict and frustration.  This process has also caused them to keep in question those things they ‘know’ while they have learned and grown together.

Raysville offers a local church community which struggles with the real issues of being a voice for Christ while dealing with the many issues of stewardship, time and commitment.  It is a good place to connect to life outside of the college atmosphere.  

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