
Friday, July 12, 2013

Calling all Quaker College Students!

Elton Trueblood once said that "No fires burn unless someone gathers the sticks and does the enkindling, as well as the replenishing." In that spirit, Earlham School of Religion invites Quaker college students from across the country to join us for the second annual Quaker College Leadership Gathering this August 14-15, 2014 in Richmond, Indiana.

ESR planned this event in coordination with Quaker program leadership from George Fox University and Earlham, Guilford, Haverford, and Wilmington Colleges. You will have the chance to meet peers from these and other schools and discuss how they live out their faith and how they get their message out to their communities. 

Following the Gathering, you will have the opportunity to stay for ESR’s annual Leadership Conference August 15-17 to participate in intergenerational dialogue around servant leadership and listen as representatives from a host of Friends organizations and others share from their experience.

A registration fee of only $50 covers:

- Quaker College Leadership Gathering attendance - including sessions, meals, and lodging
- Leadership Conference attendance - including sessions, meals and lodging

Registration is limited, so reserve your spot now! A limited number of travel scholarships are also still available. Don't miss this chance to start your next year of college off as part of a truly incendiary fellowship - a nationwide group of fire-starters!

Online registration is available here. For more information , please contact ESR Director of Recruitment and Admissions Matt Hisrich at or (765) 983-1523.

1 comment:

  1. Young Quakers take this opportunity. These contacts and friendships are good for a lifetime.
