College student Samantha Siebert reached out to ESR's Leatherock Professor of Quaker Studies Stephen Angell to complete a questionnaire on Quakerism for a project in her religion class. Below are her questions and his responses. Do you think he got all of the answers right?
Quaker Questionnaire
Thank you for taking the time to do this questionnaire. Please fill
out each question to the best of your knowledge.
Please describe your affiliation with/connection to the Quaker
am a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).
To the best of your knowledge, when was the Quaker religion founded?
middle of the 17th century (about 1650).
Please describe a typical Quaker service. What takes place? Is there
a spiritual or prayer leader? What role does that person play in the service?
What is that person called?
varies from place to place. In some locales, such as the area of Philadelphia,
the group meets in silence. If some one is given a message from God, they are
free to share that with the group, but then the group returns to the silence.
The role of the leader is to close the worship by shaking hands. She or he has
no title. In other parts of the world, there is often a pastor who leads the
Quaker worship. A short period of silence may be included in the worship, but
generally there are lots of hymns, prayers, and a sermon.