ESR's Steve Angell attended this summer's annual sessions of North Carolina Yearly Meeting (FUM), and shares his reflection on the gathering:
separate conversations, two F(f)riends that I have known for a long time, Brent
McKinney and Billy Britt, greeted me warmly and welcomed me back to North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Friends United Meeting), meeting at Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, North Carolina this month (Eighth Month, 2016). I was
delighted to receive their welcome. But, in all honesty, I had to admit that
they couldn’t welcome me “back,” because I was attending North Carolina Yearly
Meeting for the first time! Both Brent and Billy were astonished. Hadn’t they
each been in many meetings with me over the years? I agreed that it was so, but
this was still my first time visiting with them in North Carolina. So, with
gratitude for the wonderful hospitality of Brent, Billy and many others, and even
though I bring something of a practiced Friend’s eye to the occasion, these are
still the reflections of a newcomer to NCYM (FUM).