226th Recorded Church of the Brethren Annual
St. Louis, MO
July 7-11, 2012
Continuing the Work of Jesus: Peacefully. Simply.
2,280 + strong, the Church of the Brethren (CoB)gathered at
the St. Louis Convention Center for the purpose of conducting business,
attending workshops, hearing reports from their organizations, and fellowship. Bethany Theological Seminary, a partner with
Earlham School of Religion, is an agency of this gathering and came in force to
participate with their sisters and brothers.
The opening Saturday evening worship message was given by Dr.
Walter Brueggeman, whose sermon was entitled, “Behind Bars:Freedom Uncaged”,
based on Philippians 1:3-6 and Isaiah 56:3-8.
Brueggeman spoke of Paul, who although writing from behind bars, is a
free man as he refuses to let the empire define him. He then went on to speak
of how Paul redefines us in light of the gospel, not denying fear, but
encouraging people to allow their love to “overflow anyway.” “Easter,” declared
Bruegemman in this message, “defines Paul.”
On Sunday morning, CoB Moderator, Rev. Tim Harvey delivered
the message based on Romans 12:9-12 and Genesis 50:15-23. His sermon title was
the same as the theme of the conference, Continuing the Work of Jesus:
Peacefully. Simply. Together. Many F/friends are either recently coming out
of a painful period of conflict or still in the midst. A variety of denominations
are in the same place we are, and The Church of the Brethren is clearly
wrestling with the same issues. Rev. Harvey's message was clear. “Our conflict will
not undo us. What we share is more important. We approach nothing from the
opposite side of the spectrum because we are already on the same side in our
baptism in Jesus Christ.”
The rest of the conference was interspersed with alumni
luncheons, an offering of 10-14 different workshops per day, and reports from a
wide variety of ministries addressing issues from everything from North Korea,
Germany, and Intercultural Ministries operating on the borders of our
country. Throughout the entire
conference, the American Red Cross held a blood drive, and there were lines of
Brethren daily. During the agency presentations, I had the distinct honor of
representing Earlham School of Religion, reading a letter of introduction
written by Jay Marshall, Dean of Earlham School of Religion, sending greetings
to the conference. Many have heard of
the partnership, but had never seen a flesh and blood representation of it.
In one of the conference halls, the displays were established
for viewing and information:
Bethany Theological Seminary Booth
A variety of organizations were present: Ministry of
Reconciliation Services to Congregations and Districts, Food Resource Bank,
Church World Service, Global Women's Project, Brethren Heritage Center, and the
New Community Project to name a few.
While walking through the Display Hall I was struck by the fact
that in the same room, at the same conference, were two groups with opposing
views. The Brethren-Mennonite Council For
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests had their booth in the hall
with information to distribute as well as the Brethren Revival Fellowship, a
group that perceives the issues at hand differently than the Council. I don't
know if either group appreciated the presence of the other. I don't know how
the majority of the gathering felt about the presence of one or the other, but
I do know that both were there, out in the open, in the same space, not
hiding. I also know I appreciated the
open presence of both. I have been to a wide variety of Quaker gatherings from
a wide variety of branches in the Quaker Family Tree, knowing that both groups
as those represented by these two Brethren organizations exist in all those
Quaker gatherings, just not out in the open for fear of being perceived as
being “too liberal” or “too conservative.”
I was also struck by the hard and faithful work done by the
Bethany Faculty. Many of them conducted
workshops and insight sessions on a wide variety of topics. Many of them
attended to the Bethany booth, answering questions, greeting old friends and
alumni/a, and being a viable presence and witness to the importance of the
seminaries in the continuing work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.
I was asked to post the reference that Rev Tim Harvey was quoting. It is: http://www.fuller.edu/page.aspx?id=2147490207